Childbirth Education

pregnant couple looking at laptop

Getting ready for baby

If you are having a child, it is easy to feel overwhelmed by questions and concerns about your pregnancy and upcoming birthing experience. Even if you're just thinking about becoming pregnant, you likely have some questions about planning for a baby.

Henry Ford Health offers a variety of educational resources for pregnancy, delivery and caring for your newborn. These resources can help answer many of your questions and help you gain confidence as you prepare for your new arrival.

We provide a full range of childbirth education classes that cover birth preparation, breastfeeding, infant care and more. And be sure to check our our educational videos that touch on commonly asked questions and key pregnancy topics.

Sign up for Pregnancy Care Companion to stay informed through your entire pregnancy with helpful alerts, custom education, and reminders about key appointments.

Take the next step
Let us help you with an appointment, call (248) 325-0037.

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