Journey Forward Magazine Archive
Browse past issues of Journey Forward magazine to read inspirational patient stories, and gain insight into resources available for those dealing.
Journey Forward magazine is published twice a year by Henry Ford Cancer. If you’d like to have the magazine delivered to your home, subscribe now.

Summer 2021
- Cover story: By listening to her “inner voice” and receiving yearly mammograms, Loretta became a two-time breast cancer survivor.
- Appetite Teasers After Treatment
- Genetic Testing 101
- Fizzle the Anger Fuse
- Minority Participation in Clinical Trials
- Unravel Neuropathy
- Gene Therapy Program Breaks New Ground
- Survivor Speaks Out: Live Your Best Life

Winter 2021
- Cover story: An immunotherapy clinical trial gave Susan Pinkowski the chance to directly confront stage 4 non-small cell lung cancer.
- It’s Time to Redefine Survivorship
- Exercise During and After Treatment
- Clearing the Cancer ‘Fog’
- Survivors Speak Out: Cancer Care During COVID-19
- Healing in Art and Music

Spring 2020
- Cover story: When veteran hockey broadcaster Al Randall Higgins was diagnosed with oropharyngeal cancer, he set his sights on one goal: kill the cancer, save the voice.
- How to Sleep, Sweet Sleep
- Nudge Caregivers to Rest
- Respite from Financial Toxicity
Winter 2019
- Cover story: When a chronic cough wouldn’t let her hit the high notes as she sang in the choir, Floride Brown-Jones went to the doctor and received an unexpected diagnosis: kidney cancer.
- Making Art for Fun and Healing
- Balancing Diet and Winter
- Rekindling Togetherness After Treatment