Compassionate care for adults and children with anxiety disorders
Occasional anxiety, or feelings of worry or nervousness, is something everyone experiences. But for some people, these feelings interfere with everyday life. Our behavioral health providers offer treatment to patients of all ages who have anxiety disorders.
Common anxiety symptoms
Anxiety symptoms can vary greatly depending on a person’s age and specific anxiety disorder. Common symptoms include:
- Avoiding situations that cause anxiety
- Feelings of nervousness, fear, or worry that won’t go away
- Rapid breathing or heartbeat
- Trouble sleeping
- Uncontrollable sweating or trembling
- Upset stomach
To make an appointment with a behavioral health expert call:
- Southeast Michigan: (800) 436-7936
- South Central Michigan: (800) 531-3728
Types of anxiety disorders we treat
Some of the many types of anxiety disorders we treat include:
- Obsessive-compulsive disorder, which involves unwanted or disturbing thoughts, and may include the intense urge to repeat behaviors
- Panic disorder, which involves sudden feelings of fear or intense anxiety known as panic attacks
- Phobias, or major fears of specific objects or situations, which can cause panic attacks
- Post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD
- Social anxiety disorder, which involves anxiety and fear of social situations

Anxiety disorders in children and teens
In addition to the types of anxiety disorders that affect adult patients, children and teens may face additional conditions. These include:
- School refusal, which involves a persistent fear of going to school
- Selective mutism, which involves fear of talking or resistance to talk in certain situations
- Separation anxiety, or anxiety and fear tied to being apart from parents/guardians
Anxiety treatment for adults
Our anxiety treatment options are based on evidence we gather about each patient during a thorough assessment. Our experts listen to your concerns and develop a care plan that meets your individual needs.
Cognitive behavioral therapy, or CBT, is one of the most effective treatment options for anxiety disorders. This approach focuses on problem-solving and recognizing how thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes affect each individual. CBT can help you become aware of negative thoughts and triggers that contribute to anxiety, as well as ways to control symptoms.
Along with CBT, treatment may include medications. Antidepressant and anti-anxiety medications can help relieve symptoms of anxiety disorders.
Anxiety treatment for children and teens
Children and teens are cared for by a pediatric provider with specialized training in anxiety disorders. We work with families to determine the best approach for treating each young patient and addressing their specific needs.
Cognitive behavioral therapy often is the first treatment method we recommend. CBT in children and teens focuses on care and behaviors that are appropriate for the child’s age, based on the information we gather during your child’s assessment.
Medication may be an option if therapy alone doesn’t improve your child’s anxiety. We may recommend medication depending on how challenging your child’s condition is, or based on your family’s treatment preferences.
Learn more about our mental health services for children and teens.
Anxiety Self-Assessment
Review the following statements to determine if you might have an anxiety disorder and could be in need of a complete medical evaluation and treatment. Consider which statements, if any, describe a problem you experience almost every day with no current medical explanation.
- Worrying excessively
- Feeling restless all the time
- Frequently tired for no reason
- Trouble concentrating or remembering things
- Irritability
- Racing heartbeat (seek medical attention)
- Trouble going to sleep or staying asleep
If you selected two or more of these symptoms, we recommend speaking to a behavioral health expert
Note: This is not a substitute for an evaluation by a trained medical professional. See your doctor if you have any concerns about depression or any of the problems you've noted above.