Alfred M Faulkner, DO
Specialties: Orthopedic Surgery
Services: Broken Bones and Trauma, Orthopedics , Video Visits
Board Certification and Education
- AOBOS-American Osteopathic Board Of Orthopedic Surgery - Orthopaedic Surgery
- Kansas City University Medicine & Biosciences, MO, 2000
- McLaren Oakland, Orthopaedic Surgery, MI, 2005
- McLaren Oakland, Internship, MI, 2001
- University of Nevada School of Medicine, Orthopaedic Surgery, NV, 2006
About Me
I specialize in helping my patients improve their mobility and quality of life through traditional orthopedic surgery, including joint replacement. I have a clinical interest in orthopedic trauma, which addresses complex cases involving multiple bone and joint fractures due to an accident.
Videos and Articles
Blog Posts
Hospital Privileges
- Henry Ford Jackson Hospital