Didactic Program in Internal Medicine

The internal medicine program provides a wide range of academic programs to supplement the diverse clinical training experiences of trainees. These include:
Board Review: Throughout residency training, chapters from the most current edition of MKSAP are systematically covered in the 60-minute didactic sessions that occur every Thursday. Each year, all topics are reviewed and discussed, enabling the residents to have covered the information multiple times over the length of the training program. Dedicated faculty lead the interactive question-answer, discussion session. Topics to be discussed are scheduled at the beginning of the academic year and the expectation is for residents to read the material and be prepared for the discussion. In addition, residents are assigned weekly quizzes through NEJM. Residents in the program, as well as all trainees rotating on medicine and subspecialty services, are required to attend if rotating in-house.
Weekly Block Didactic Sessions: The didactic sessions are held Monday through Wednesday from 11:00am-1:00pm. The curriculum for this didactic series includes general and subspecialty medicine topics, as well as non-clinical topics like coding & billing, pharmacy services, clinical documentation, ethics updates, epidemiology, bio-statistics, etc. Attending faculty from subspecialty services and guest speakers are the usual presenters. There is an 80 percent attendance requirement and attendance is tracked monthly.
Morning Report: Held Monday-Wednesday 11:00am-12:00pm. These educational sessions are faculty moderated, case presentations and discussions led by the residents. Attendance is required for all trainees on in-house medicine and subspecialty services.
Morbidity & Mortality Review: Held the first and third Monday of every month from 7:00-8:00am. Internal medicine residents are assigned to present a case and discuss aspects for improvement as part of the practice-based learning core competency. Cases are chosen by residents or attending faculty.
Journal Club: Held monthly on every 2nd Thursday from 1:30-2:30pm. Senior Residents are assigned to present and discuss a journal article once per year.
All residents are required to present morning report case presentations, journal club presentations and morbidity and mortality cases throughout all years of their residency training.