Resident Testimonials

My day-to-day experience on the inpatient unit includes meeting with patients and interdisciplinary collaboration to provide the best standard of care for our patients. The staff on the unit was very friendly and supportive when I first started intern year and made the learning curve that much easier. A unique aspect of this program is our residents and location. I've found that each resident brings a unique background and perspective to patient care that I try to learn from and incorporate into my practice. I find my colleagues easy to work with and fun to be around. The location of Jackson is unique in the patient population we serve. There is a wide range of psychopathology and an ample amount of substance abuse. The skills I am gaining in treating this population make me feel confident that, upon graduation, I could go anywhere and practice psychiatry. – Jennifer Lenchner, DO

Having grown up and planning to practice in the Midwest, I wanted to be in a program within the region. I also was particularly interested in the program as my brother was a resident in the family medicine program here. I started out thinking I would most likely lean towards outpatient work as that is what I had enjoyed more during my medical school rotations. However, so far, I have enjoyed my experience in our inpatient unit much more than I had even expected. Being able to spend multiple days with a patient and seeing their progression based on the course of treatment I have found helpful in developing my knowledge and my sense of care for patients. Having hours of access to patients in which you can spend as much or as little time with a specific patient as you seem fit for them on that day, is something unique I have found about the inpatient unit. I was a little nervous when starting as it was my first rotation, but everyone on the unit from my fellow residents to the nursing staff and social workers were always helpful and supportive. It really helped my transition from a medical student to an intern. – Mirza ‘Wasi’ Khan, DO

My start to residency is memorable because it gave me a glimpse of what being an intern meant, whether that be navigating the inpatient unit milieu, learning psychopharmacology, or developing interview techniques. It also introduced me to the people with whom I would share this experience. They were role models for how diligence and curiosity make great clinicians. At HFJH, the attendings care, spend the time to teach, and foster an atmosphere of inquiry. I have become even more appreciative of our patient discussions and the willingness of attendings to allow for progressive autonomy. This is a program where you will see complex and severe pathology and be able to explore your interests within psychiatry in a supportive and welcoming environment. – Brian Lu, MD

I had the pleasure of completing a four-week psychiatry rotation at Henry Ford Jackson Hospital during my fourth year of medical school. I was impressed by the complexity and diversity of psychopathology I encountered. I have continued to experience a wide range of psychopathology during my training here. In addition, the friendliness of residents, attendings, and other staff members contribute to an excellent training environment. I am absolutely delighted to be completing my psychiatry training at Henry Ford Jackson Hospital. – Joseph Dube, DO

Through my training at the HFJH psychiatry residency, I am confident that I will develop the skills necessary to be a competent psychiatrist. The many challenges of the patient population in this area, including low health literacy, severity of mental illness, substance abuse and limited resources are good learning opportunities. The faculty at this program are enthusiastic about teaching. and the environment between the residents is very supportive and collaborative. – Christina Pu, MD

Our program is great with supporting the unique interests and goals of each resident. For example, I’m currently engaged in a fellowship through the APA/APAF and have taken a lead role in creating weekly supplemental learning material for resident education. Due to the flexibility and support found here, I have been able to comfortably balance such opportunities with my clinical dues. Overall, I am very appreciative of how this program has made me feel that my personal and professional development is a priority. – Ashley VanHaverbeck, DO

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