Construction Updates

Work underway on both sides of the Lodge Freeway

To hear a recorded message with the latest project construction updates, please call (313) 874-2488.

Intermittent Disruptions to Traffic Near the Cancer Pavilion this Winter

Throughout January and into early February, patients and visitors at the Brigitte Harris Cancer Pavilion (BHCP) should expect intermittent partial road closures due to construction around the building. There will be signs, as well as people with flags directing traffic, to help guide visitors around impacted areas. It’s important to note that access to the BCHP and its parking structure will remain unobstructed during normal business hours Monday through Friday.

To ensure you arrive on time for your appointment, we kindly suggest you allow for extra travel time. In addition, please be mindful of construction workers on site who will be helping ensure your safe passage.

We appreciate your understanding and patience during this time as we work to improve the area.

Henry Ford Hospital Campus Progress

Construction crews continue to install the underground foundations that will support the new hospital building. We are working closely with the construction team to minimize noise disruptions as much as possible.

We appreciate your understanding and patience during this important process.

Construction is also actively progressing on the new parking deck near the Cancer Pavilion with the structure rising out of the ground providing the first signs of the Future of Health: Detroit. Once completed, the new parking structure will stand seven stories tall and include about 1,500 parking spaces.

Work is also underway on our new Central Energy Hub, which will help provide clean energy to the new hospital facilities. It’s located on the southwest corner of the Destination: Grand footprint.

Because of ongoing construction, some nearby roads remain closed or impacted, and some traffic patterns have shifted around Henry Ford Hospital – primarily on the south side of West Grand Blvd. near the BHCP.

Expected primary impacts to roads this winter include:

  • Jan. 15–April: Southern bike lane on Milwaukee Ave. closed for Central Energy Hub work.
  • Jan. 29–31 (overnight): Milwaukee Ave. reduced to one lane (eastbound only); Cancer Pavilion Parking Deck exit re-routed to West Grand Blvd.
  • Feb. 1–7: Milwaukee Ave. returns to two-way traffic.
  • Feb. 8 (6:30 p.m.) – 9 (6:30 a.m.): Milwaukee Ave. closed from Sterling St. to Cancer Pavilion Drive.
  • Feb. 9 (6:30 a.m.): Milwaukee Ave. resumes two-way traffic.

To get to the Henry Ford Brigitte Harris Cancer Pavilion: Use West Grand Blvd. and turn right at West Milwaukee Street to go behind the building and turn left into the parking area.

We expect very minimal impact to roads and traffic on the north side of West Grand Blvd. for those coming and going from our existing Henry Ford Hospital.

The fencing and road closures will be in effect while the area remains an active construction site. Those driving in the area should be mindful of detour signs and other directional signs to help them navigate around the medical campus.

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Henry Ford Health + Michigan State University Health Sciences Research Center Progress

Construction began in May 2024 on the Henry Ford Health + Michigan State University Health Sciences Research Center, located in a portion of a parking lot on Third Street just across from the Henry Ford Detroit Pistons Performance Center.

The Henry Ford Health + Michigan State University Health Sciences Research Center building’s footings construction continues and will progress until May 2025.

This January, crews are mobilizing a crane in preparation for steel erection, which will aid in the construction of the building’s superstructure. The structural steel work is expected to begin at the end of January. Construction noise from the superstructure erection work should be minimal and shouldn’t affect the surrounding area.

We also expect water main and sewer work on Third Street to wrap up in January and lanes to fully reopen.

Given current road construction and limited available roads to accommodate the size of trucks, we are encouraging trucks to exit M-10 at Warren and travel north via Second Street, then Antoinette to reach the site.

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