Calm Connections during the Holidays - December 13, 2021

This time of year here in Michigan is getting colder, there is snow on the ground and the holiday season is here. People are making plans to get together and celebrate; family members are traveling into town and out of town; making lists, making cookies, making meals… So much seems to be happening that we might need to slow things down a bit to make sure we are taking care of ourselves. 

The holiday season can be a mix of emotions for all of us. We might experience excitement and joy about spending time with loved ones, or that same situation might bring up some anxiety and uncertainty.

All these feelings are valid and they can give us some information about how to best take care of ourselves during this time. 

Prioritize Yourself

If we spend all our energy doing “all the things” then we risk depleting ourselves, which never feels good. Taking care of yourself might mean setting some boundaries like: limiting how many gatherings you attend; scheduling quiet time for yourself; saying “no” when a request for your time fills you with anxiety. Plan ahead so you don’t get overwhelmed.

Here are a few ideas:

  1. Put yourself on your calendar - schedule an hour a day doing something you enjoy or simply sitting quietly
  2. Journal about how you’re feeling - putting your thoughts down on paper can help reduce stress
  3. Plan meals ahead of time so you don’t need to rush out for supplies
  4. Reach out - ask for help with shopping or meal planning; ask a friend to visit with you in person or on the phone; join a support group online… 
  5. Get creative! Making art is a great way to reduce stress - simply coloring with pencils is a meditative activity that can calm your nerves. 

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