Space as Self Care - March 7, 2022

How do you feel about the space you spend time in during the day? Have you considered treating that space as part of your self-care routine? 

In the past few years taking care of ourselves has proven to be one of the most important things we can do for our overall well being. Let's take that idea and apply it to the space where we live and work. 

Clutter and anxiety

Would you be surprised to learn that clutter can contribute to anxiety? When our space is filled with clutter our brains get overstimulated. It distracts us from what we would rather be focusing on, and therefore we find it difficult to finish tasks. Clutter signals to our brain that we still have work to do and that is definitely overwhelming, and can make it difficult to relax. It can also be super frustrating when we can’t find something even though we know “it’s right here somewhere”. 

Thankfully, decluttering can reduce anxiety and improve creativity, so you might be excited to start an intentional spring cleaning. I know it’s not easy to always keep our space completely clean and clear with everything put away and organized, but knowing that a more organized space can reduce anxiety, stimulate creativity, and improve sleep might be the motivation you need. 


If, after a bit of decluttering, you’re feeling motivated to take another step forward with the space around you, try intentionally arranging the things in your home. If there are areas in your home that you avoid, maybe giving that space a bit of attention will change the energy for you.

 “I believe what we experience in life is often reflected energetically in our surroundings. And when we change what’s happening around us in a positive way, we simultaneously empower ourselves!” ~ Amanda Gibby Peters

Try This

  • Pick one small space where you spend a lot of time and turn it into a mini sanctuary
  • Remove unnecessary things
  • In the space, arrange a few things that you find beautiful - perhaps a plant, a candle, and a framed photograph that makes you smile.
  • Spend a few minutes in the space each morning and reflect on the feeling it gives you.

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