Your Daily Diet Plan

If you want to reach your goal weight, it's important to always feel full so you're not tempted to go off your diet. Each HMR Healthy Solutions Quick Start™ Diet Kit includes enough low-calorie and filling HMR® food to keep you satisfied, so you keep losing weight week after week.
The Healthy Solutions® Diet Plan:
- Each day you will enjoy at least 3 creamy HMR Shakes and 2 flavorful Entrees - just add fruits and vegetables to complete your meal.
- HMR foods are proven to work - published studies show that dieters using meal replacements lose 2½-3 times more weight than those on traditional diets.
- Lose even more weight by following the simple, proven weight-loss strategies outlined in the Diet Kit materials and Quick Start™ CD included in your first Kit order.
Always consult your physician before beginning any diet or exercise program.
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