Dan Strouss Total Knee Replacement

Concord resident Dan Strouss is a hard-working, plain spoken man. The owner of a construction company, 72-year-old Dan has done physical labor all his life—and it has taken a toll on his knees. After total knee replacement surgery at Henry Ford Hospital, Dan says he’s feeling 100 percent better than he has in a long time. And he doesn’t plan on retiring any time soon.

After a bad experience having his right knee replaced out of town two years ago, Dan swore he would never go back to have the other knee done. But, when pain from the left knee became unbearable, Dan’s daughter convinced him to consult with an orthopedic surgeon at Henry Ford Jackson Hospital. She knew of Derek Semaan, M.D.’s excellent reputation and thought he would be a good fit for her father.

“Dr. Semaan is down-to-earth and knowledgeable, and I liked him right away,” Dan said. “I decided to go ahead and have him do my left knee.”

Knee replacement surgery with Dr. Semaan was a world apart from Dan’s previous experience. “Dr. Semaan did a fantastic job,” Dan said. “Even though this knee was in worse shape than the right one, the surgery seemed to go smoother and faster.” Dan’s recovery went better as well, he said. “I am still having trouble with my right knee, but my left knee is doing great.”
Dan also had high praise for the nurses who cared for him at Henry Ford Jackson Hospital. “And Dr. Semaan’s coordinator was one of the sweetest people I have ever met. She treated me like I was her own grandfather,” he said.

Following several weeks of physical therapy, Dan is back to work at his construction company, climbing in an out of his tractor and bailing 60 acres of hay on his farm. “It feels like a miracle,” he said. “Dr. Semaan really knows how to hold a knife—and I know God was guiding his hand.”


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