Jackson College
Welcome It’s Your Life participants!
Program Requirements
Enrollment deadline (including the Health Assessment and Biometric Health Screen) is October 27, 2024.
1. Complete the Enrollment Waiver
2. Complete the WebMD Online Personal Health Assessment
Biometric Health Screen
Participants are required to complete a health screen for the 2024-25 program. You may complete a health screen at the Jackson College Health Clinic (call 517-990-1374 to schedule an appointment) or with your primary care provider (PCP).
If you choose to see your PCP, you must submit a Physician Results Form (PRF) by October 27, 2024. A copy of the PRF will be sent in your enrollment invitation; you may also contact your coach for a copy. You do not need to schedule a health screen if you have recently completed one (January 1, 2023 or later).
Biometric health screens include blood pressure, height, weight, plus fasting blood assessment for cholesterol levels and glucose.
Health Coaching Sessions
Health coaching sessions will be held throughout the academic year. Instructions to sign up for coaching sessions will be sent via email.Who do I contact if I have questions?
Health Coach Leslie Downs, can be reached by phone at (517) 205-7424 or email at ldowns5@hfhs.org. You may also call the It's Your Life office at (517) 205-7495 for more information.