Exit Survey
We understand you have left Henry Ford Health. As a departing employee, we want to make sure your needs are met and also understand why you have chosen to leave the system.
We are interested in hearing about your experience with our organization. Our commitment to The Henry Ford Experience means creating a truly memorable experience for all our customers — including you!
I am personally asking you for your feedback about what you enjoyed most about working for the System and also what led to your decision to leave Henry Ford. Your feedback will be valuable in assisting us in creating The Henry Ford Experience for both our patients and employees.
Upon leaving Henry Ford Health, a letter was mailed to your home inviting you to complete an Exit Survey. This letter included your own personal and confidential code used to access the survey online. Please have this code available when accessing the Exit Survey by clicking the link below.
Refer to the FAQ documents below related to your benefits, retirement, and last paycheck from Henry Ford Health. We hope you find these helpful to answer questions you may have now that you left the organization.
Your insights are so invaluable to us. Thank you for taking time to complete this survey.
Warm wishes,
Nina Ramsey
Senior Vice President
Chief Human Resources Officer
Henry Ford Health