Is Reading Fun?

Reading has so many benefits, but what if you genuinely don’t like to read? How can you start reading and maybe (hopefully) begin to enjoy it?

Start small. Reading small chunks of information can be beneficial, especially if you have difficulty focusing for long periods. If you break up your reading into smaller, more manageable sections, you’re more likely to stay engaged and retain more information. For example, instead of trying to read an entire chapter in one sitting, you can break it down into smaller sections and take breaks in between. This can help you absorb the information more effectively and prevent mental fatigue. Also, reading smaller chunks of information can make it easier to fit reading into your schedule by reading a little bit on your lunch break. 

Improving focus

If one of the reasons you don’t enjoy reading is because it’s difficult to stay focused, then reading in small chunks can help. One of the benefits of reading is improved focus. So, if you make it a habit to read a little bit everyday, you might just find that you can focus for longer periods of time while reading. And better focus while reading can make reading a bit more fun. 

Try This

Here are some more ideas to help make reading fun:

  • Try reading different genres
  • Don’t be afraid to put the book down if you don’t like it. You are not required to finish a book you don’t like!
  • Read comic books
  • Listen to audiobooks
  • Read the book version of a movie you like

There are so many great books out there! Keep trying until you find something that really lights you up and inspires you to read more. 

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