Setting Intentions for Healthy Living

Healthy Intentions

The beginning of the new year is the perfect time to assess your goals for the year ahead and set intentions for healthy living. 

New Years resolutions are not always the most motivating way to make changes, since they seem to have a sense of judgment behind the actions. Resolutions are so often about changing behavior that we deem “bad” into a behavior that is better or more acceptable. Or we might even set a resolution about changing ourselves to fit someone else’s ideals. 

Even the definition of resolution feels harsh; Resolution: a firm decision to do or not to do something. How do you feel when you have failed to follow through with a resolution? I usually feel a bit guilty and, well, like a failure. Not the way I want to start the new year, or a new day. 

However, settings intentions can be a compassionate, purpose driven action with a final goal in mind. The definition of intention feels much nicer; Intention: a thing intended; an aim or plan. And to clarify it a little more; To intend: have (a course of action) as one's purpose or objective; plan.

What if, instead of setting a resolution in the new year, we all chose intentions that supported our personal goals? 

The goal can be specific, and your intention can be to reach that goal while being kind to yourself, while having fun and feeling good. 

So, what are your New Year’s intentions?

Try This

Let’s revisit the One Little Word art task. 

Think about one little word (or a short phrase) that feels good and brings you joy. A word that will help you recalibrate when you’re feeling ‘off’ on any given day. A word that will remind you who you are becoming. Write that word in the center of an index card or a piece of paper you can carry with you. Then, spend 15 minutes adding color and beauty to your intention. Every time you look at the One Little Word you will be reminded of your intention for growth and the possibilities that lie ahead.

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