Bringing Cars Back to Life
In 2012, Ron went to see his primary care physician Jeffrey Finn, M.D., to discuss the pain he was experiencing in his hips and joints. Dr. Finn recommended Ron set up an appointment with Henry Ford orthopedic physician Jason Davis, M.D. to discuss hip replacement surgery.
As Dr. Davis was evaluating Ron for his hip replacement surgery, he recommended Ron see a cardiologist because of his family history. Ron was then referred to Gerald Koenig, M.D. who performed a number of tests. Dr. Koenig was suspicious of some of Ron’s test results and ordered a catheter procedure for him. As a result, Dr. Koenig discovered Ron had five blocked arteries and would need surgery.
Ron said, “as well as the seamless hand-off with the physicians.”
Ron was so impressed with the communication among the Henry Ford physicians regarding his care. “Communication is a key component,” Ron said, “as well as the seamless hand-off with the physicians.” He had a successful quintuple bypass surgery at Henry Ford Hospital with Hassan Nemeh, M.D. Three weeks later, Ron was back to work on what he loves, restoring classic cars so others can enjoy them.