Sami Majdalany

I am 32 years old, a husband and soon to be father of two. I am an international medical school graduate with a passion for education and research. The best way to describe myself would be in three words: Ambitious, Accountable, and Attentive. Throughout life, people who know me would say I am an ambitious person, always setting goals higher than anticipated or creating elaborate ideas. I would also describe myself in the same manner. Accountability, is the foundation to my ambition. I always create a plan of action to hold myself accountable in order to make those ambitious goals a reality. Finally, being attentive is a crucial part of ambition and accountability. Attention to detail in a plan of action allows myself to become more accountable in pushing me to achieve my ambitious goals.

Innovations have always been an interest of mine. Since I was a child, I would keep a notepad with me, which I called my "book of inventions". This sense of innovation was instilled in me at a young age. Being a first generation Canadian, my siblings and I had the opportunity to see hard work and determination first hand. No matter what the outcome, whether trying their hands at a bakery or candy store, our parents' would always put their best feet forward. To me, innovation and hard work go hand-in-hand. Utilizing hard work and discipline, while looking for ways to improve any aspects in life just makes sense.


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