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Is it Time for Your Mammogram?

We know you’re busy these days. So our team makes it as easy as possible to check one important thing off your to-do list: scheduling your mammogram. When we find breast cancer in an early stage through regular mammograms, nearly 100% of patients live at least five years after their diagnosis.

Due for your mammogram? Schedule now!

The Henry Ford difference

We make getting a mammogram convenient and simple. We offer:

  • Day, evening and weekend appointments to fit your busy schedule
  • Easy online scheduling for any of our convenient locations across southeast and south central Michigan
  • The latest mammography breast imaging technology to detect cancer early when it’s most treatable, including 3D mammography (digital breast tomosynthesis), breast MRI and CT, and molecular breast imaging for women with dense breast tissue
  • Quick service—most exams only take 15 minutes
Schedule Your Mammogram Online
It's quick and convenient to make your appointment online at any of our locations, where we are committed to keep you safe during your visit!
nurse with mammogram machine
woman getting mammogram
What's the difference between a screening and diagnostic mammogram?
Online scheduling is only available for annual screening mammograms. Knowing why you're getting a mammogram might help ease your nerves and help you determine next steps for scheduling.

Am I at risk for breast cancer?

Breast cancer can strike anyone. But certain risk factors, including your family history, overall health and lifestyle, may increase the risk for developing breast cancer:

  • Family, History, Health & Age
  • Race/Ethnicity
  • Lifestyle

Women who are most likely to develop breast cancer have:

  • A family history of breast cancer
  • A history of cancer in one breast
  • A history of certain noncancerous breast cysts or tumors
  • Inherited changes in certain genes, including BRCA1 and/or BRCA2
  • Reached age 50 or older
  • Dense breast tissue
  • Past radiation exposure to breast wall to treat another cancer (not breast cancer)

Race/ethnicity does have an effect on your breast cancer risk:

  • Women with Ashkenazi (Eastern European) Jewish background have an increased risk for breast cancer.
  • African American women are more likely to develop breast cancer at younger ages, and they are more likely to develop aggressive forms of breast cancer.
  • Asian American, Native American and native Alaskan women have the lowest rate of breast cancer.

Several lifestyle factors can increase your risk of breast cancer:

Obesity: According to the National Cancer Institute, postmenopausal women who are obese are 20 to 40 percent more likely to develop breast cancer compared to women who maintain a healthy body weight.

Alcohol consumption: Drinking alcohol increases your risk of developing breast cancer. The risk increases based on the amount of alcohol you consume: Heavy drinkers have a higher risk than light drinkers.

Not being physically active: The American Cancer Society recommends that adults get at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity or 75 minutes of vigorous intensity activity each week (or a combination of these), preferably spread throughout the week.

Not had children: Women who have not had children or who had their first child after age 30 have a slightly higher breast cancer risk overall, according to the American Cancer Society.

Not breast feeding: Although the reasons behind it are still uncertain, multiple studies have recently demonstrated that women who breastfeed have a lower risk of breast cancer.

Hormone Use After Menopause: In 2002, researchers discovered a connection between Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) and increased breast cancer risk.

Mammography Care Locations


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